
Welcome to my home page. The site is currently in it's infancy, so there isn't a lot here. As of 8/21/2022, I plan on once again overhauling the thing, as well as changing the site name this time around. If you'd like to follow the site on neocities, click here, especially so you don't miss when I change the URL.
You can check the updates tab to see what's new.

Thanks for checking out my site!

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Check out this music video in the meantime:


Do you like it

^ photo of a guy i have


5/28/2022: Journal entry added.

5/19/2022: Journal entry added.

5/17/2022: Mild cosmetic changes to index page.
Code overhaul, but you wouldn't know from just looking at it...

5/12/2022: Journal page & first journal entry added.
Credits moved to own page, guestbook link added.

4/21/2022: Minor cosmetic changes, more credits added.

4/9/2022: New index page created; site revamp.
Every page... inluding this one... is currently under construction...!